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The Name - All you need to know!


If you have come from instagram and have followed me since the beginning then you will know my blog name was Style And Strike, Well the reason behind that was because my blog was pretty much style and fashion orientated so style was the obvious choice to make and i come from a sporting family background so that resonated with me and i liked the sound of them both together so i became Style and Strike.

Going forward with my re-brand i just felt that Style and Strike wasn't really me anymore, I'm heading in a more grown up direction i feel, It's not just fashion and style, it's so much more! It's of course fashion based but it's also my life and how i live and me discussing way more than just what i'm wearing or what i've been buying, don't get me wrong it's a huge part of this blog but i feel i have a lot to say (oops haha) and i want to share it and show you more than just my outfits!

So that brings us too The SOA Blog, my new baby! The SOA blog is me, It's my initials so it's more of a personal feel and deeper meaning! I think it's more professional too, I'm wanting to really take this seriously so i feel that means i need a more meaningful and fresh and clean brand.

I'm excited to see where The SOA Blog takes me! and hope you will follow too!

Don't forget to subscribe to keep up to date with me!


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